Remember When to Take Your Medication with this Convenient Pill Organizer If you want an easy system for remembering to take your pills, this weekly pill organizer can help You get seven clear pill cases, one for each day of the week Each day’s container has four individual hinged compartments representing four daily dosage times: morning, noon, evening and bedtime The seven containers fit in a convenient organizer tray, which you can easily carry from place to place or put in your bag The size of each individual container makes it ideal for larger pills and medications Each day’s pill container can also be carried individually, if you prefer Features/ ul liEasily remember to take your pills by organizing a full 7 days of medication with this convenient pill organizer liEach day’s clear pill container has four hinged compartments labeled with the dosage time of day: morning, noon, evening and bedtime liThe 7 daily compartments fit into a convenient storage tray which you can carry with you You can also remove one or more daily compartments to take with you liEasy view transparent liExtra large print liSize: 975 x 675 x 125 inches